Now that our PTP 200mb circuit is installed, its time to test our new bandwidth. We started by simply coping files from our Mesa Campus to our Gilbert Campus which is 10 miles away. These transfers were better than our old T1 circuit but left some questions. I discovered that file tranfers don't maximize the bandwidth.
I have discovered several companies, like Asperasoft.com, that specialize in high-speed file transfer software. We are currently testing their software. Thier software uses UDP to communciate between both sites.
The software reveiled 45% packet lose with our connection. So, is the problem with QWEST or on our network? We now have something else to troubleshoot. We have installed I-PERF to test our connection. The I-PERF teats reveal we are only getting 40 mbits from our fiber ciruit. Now I need to document everything and speak with Qwest.