Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Do you ever long for big complicated projects?

Neither do I. But there are many new technologies on our horizon that will forever shape our IT environment.

Our IT team is traveling next week to attend the Winconnections event to learn about .NET, Exchange 2007, Sharepoint, and Windows 2008. I'm excited about hearing about the new features, but not about all the implications in upgrading. We are at the threshold of converting over to a 64bit environment and we need to dramaticly improve collaboration on documents and projects. The next few years should be exciting, to say the least.

Remember the Team

I have been in many executive planning sessions lately which got me thinking about how valuable the IT team is to charting the course for a mega church. I am so thankful for our IT team of professionals (Nick , Derek, David, and Robert) that sacrifice working at the church. God has called them, at this time, to tackle some amazing technology projects.

My son plays on a good high school football team; each player using their talents to move the team down the field. That's what I'm experiencing now; our IT team is working together, marching down the field as God calls the plays. It's awesome!